
奥森专栏 | 视频欣赏:维拉罗伯斯《五首前奏曲》

视频演奏者:希腊吉他大师 ,个人网站:


The of and his wife Liza Zoe in , and , have made them one of the most duo in the world today.


Not only have the two Greek been by many of , the New York times, Daily , Paris Matin, Sun and Los Times, but they also the of the great Andrés , who wrote of them: "Since Fate us of -, I no had the of to any duo. But , when the Greek and Liza for me, I felt and . I wish and Liza to the high of the as they have mine."


They both began their of the in 1953 at the of with .


After first "with " upon , they the first two in the in , Italy. For four they were to study with the - duo in and with Andrés in Spain. after, they at the in .

Since their on the scene in 1967, and Liza have out tours all over the world and given of at some of the most halls, Hall, Queen Hall, the , Hall, La de la Ville and . They have also for many radio and (the BBC, Paris RTVF, , , , etc.) and taken part in major in, among other , New York, , , Rome, and . They as duo with well known such as those of , , and , as well as and - at and The , The Royal of Music, The Royal of Music, UCLA, Stony Brook and of Music.

Both Greek and have for and Liza; at the same time the two have a duo with and for their own. They have and CDs of works for one or two that are on the EMI label .

The of their , their skill and rich , have an they have , to their by the as one of the "most -and-wife duos of today's ."



